About Us

As disciples we must be equipped with the Word of Truth which gives us the foundation to build a
victorious Christ like life. We are believers of the Word, we study the Word, we are hearers of the Word,
and we are Doers of the Word. We put on the whole amour of God to help us fight the wiles of the devil.
We are able to do this by attending worship services every Sunday, Bible Study every week, involvement
in Ministries (Men, Women, Marriage, Single, Youth and Young adults), New Converts Class, MIT, and
other Training classes that are available.
Allows us to have a more intimate relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. As we create an
atmosphere of reverence and adoration unto our Lord. Worship helps us come into the truth of who we
are in Christ. Worship extends from all worship services to a life style of living sacrifice that is totally
committed to Christ. Our worship is not only displayed in our place of worship but in our daily walk with
We believe that prayer puts us in direct contact and communication with our God and its
essential part of our daily walk. Total Victory Worship Center is an advocate of Prayer and we avail
ourselves every Tuesday and Thursday 5am intercessory prayer call, Tuesday 7pm prayer, and Saturday
9am prayer at the church and prayer summits.
We believe it is our responsibility to impact our communities and meet the needs of our
community through evangelizing and offering the love Christ. We do this by creating quarterly events
that will impact our community. And partnering with local schools and associations that will help touch
those in the community.
Is very import to Total Victory Worship Center that we try to meet the needs
of our community by designing programs that will meet the needs. Our life Center weekly access to our
food pantry, clothing closet, afterschool tutoring and programs to help parents.